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Visit Trinity United Methodist

Being new can be intimidating.

We are here to help make your first visit a great experience! Our worship celebration begins at 11am every Sunday. When you walk in you will be greeted and handed a program with the service for the day and some information about our community. We have comfy seating and you are welcome to sit wherever you like.

Where are we?

We are located at 383 NE Beech Street in Toledo, Oregon (across the street from the Thriftway grocery store). There is parking out front of the church and on the streets around the church. Our sanctuary and main floor are ADA accessible. There is an elevator through the basement entrance of the church on left side of the main entrance. There is also a ramp to the right side of the main entrance.

Do people dress up for church?

No. God doesn’t care what you wear to church and neither do we. All we ask is that you wear something. We’re a causal bunch. You’ll see t-shirts and jeans, shorts and polos, dresses and ties, and everything in between.

Are there activities for children?

Yes! We have two children’s spaces in the sanctuary. There is a table with activities and an enclosed room (large glass window into the sanctuary) for children who need a break from the service. On the second Sunday of the month we offer Sunday school for children. After the children’s message they are invited to stay in worship or go out to Sunday school. On the fourth Sunday of the month is our Joyful Noise worship celebration designed for families with children. The service is shorter, informal, musical, and participatory.

Can I bring my infant?

Of course you can! We welcome infants here at Trinity, even if they are crying. We have a changing table and comfortable nursery space.

What is the style of worship?

Our service is a blend of traditional and contemporary worship practices. Our music varies from ancient hymns to contemporary music. The first Sunday of the month is our most traditional service where we serve Holy Communion in a traditional setting. The forth Sunday is our most contemporary and relaxed service. Each Sunday we sing songs, hear music, have a brief sermon, and engage in prayer and other spiritual practices. We strive to make the language in our services accessible to people of all backgrounds and generations. At Trinity you will find inclusive language and a lack of gendered language in our worship.

What is Communion?

Holy Communion is a ritual celebrated by Christians worldwide. Each denomination of Christianity celebrates it a little different. We celebrate communion as a reminder of God’s love for us and the sacrifice made in Christ Jesus. We remember the words Jesus spoke to his friends at the Passover table in the days leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. Jesus broke bread and shared wine with his friends telling them to remember him whenever they do so. Today when we eat the bread representing Christ’s body and drink from the cup representing his sacrifice, we remember that God loves us beyond any understanding we could possibly imagine. In the act of communion we offer ourselves as holy and living sacrifice promising to be the hands and feet of Christ to the world.

Communion is open to everyone who seeks a relationship with God. No matter your faith history, or many bad things you may have done Jesus always leaves a seat open at the table for you. We do not turn anyone away from the communion table. We practice the intinction method of communion where you are handed a piece of bread and then invited to dip it into a chalice of grape juice.

We serve communion twice per month. On the first Sunday of the month we celebrate a more traditional style of communion. On the fourth Sunday’s we celebrate a more participatory and informal style of communion.

Transforming the world through Jesus

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